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I really do love Valentines day! I always have.. from being in grade school I remember getting to decorate my valentines box. I don't really remember all the valentines I received or didn't receive.. I was all about giving mine. Now that I am a mom and we.. err I mean Abigail gets to make her own valentines box... and getting ready for the big valentines party with all the snacks to bring in.. and valentines to send... I am literally like a kid in a candy store.. I am so excited.. but not to receive.. but to give. I started making these Valentine cake truffles at 1030pm last night and my husband said.. who are these for.. I said .. I dunno I'll find someone. I have 2 dozens someones to find... hahah. But I get it. For GOD so loved US that He gave His SON JESUS! WOW.. that's what I wrote on all my basketball players valentines. IT seems so simple.. so childlike that scripture... but OH SO TRUE.. I can just see God face when one of his children realizes the GIFT that they have been given.. the smile on his face... the joy that it brings him... just for us to receive his SON.. his ONE AND ONLY SON. WOW ... and to top it off with whip cream and strawberries ( i don't like cherries).. WE get to be the ones to tell others about this great gift..WOW...
I am amazed at how God reveals things and speaks to us.. I came on here to blog about my Cake Truffles...
Hope everyone has a great Valentines day... enjoy the pics of my pink and red chocolate makings.

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I AM going to try these this weekend!
Sweet and Savory by Sarah: Cake Truffles For Valentines Day: "I've attempted to make cake balls in the past and it turned into an epic fail. I did a couple of things wrong (how you do this wrong,..."
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I have had some Pillsbury refrigerated pie crust in my fridge and needed to do something with them, so I came across these mock pop tart ideas. I had Strawberry Jam, Homemade and store bought that I used, sugar sprinkles, food coloring and cream cheese frosting. Pampered Chef has these wonderful Easy Accent Decorating bottles that made icing the larger goodies so easy.
The smaller strawberry goodies were a little more complicated, just because of the size, I could have used a slightly larger cookie cutter if I had one and the filling would have not kept oozing out. lol These were by far the easiest and more fun for my 4 year old.
The Larger strawberry goodies were easier to fill and more fun for Mommy to decorate.
Easy, Fast, Simple and ingredients on hand!
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Well this week has been another crazy. School on Monday, then 2 snow days, back to school on Thursday and then my oldest daughter wakes up with what looks like the onset of pink eye.. so now a sick day. On top of that.. I have been sort of sick myself. Although I don't feel sick, let's just say I have the symptoms that come with being sick. I can't keep food in. This has been going of for 3 days now. And NO I AM NOT PREGNANT! (lol).
So after dropping off my little ones at my mother in laws (i don't want a pink eye epidemic to break out in my house) we both came home and rested. Then it was time to take my middle daughter to school. On the way home I kept thinking what can we do that is educational as well as fun. YEAH ITS CRAFT TIME!
So we searched online at different ideas and we both loved this one. We added our own little flare with the rhinestone gems. We were able to sound out words, write the sounds we hear, have fun and get our craft on!
These will soon be taped on our front door as soon as i figure out where the little ones put my tape roll. : )